Joanne D’Arcangelo, JDA Consulting, Inc.

Maine has a unique history of being a place where community citizens can indeed affect major change in public policy and laws. No-one knows this more than Joanne D’Arcangelo, owner of JD’A Consulting, Inc. She’s a policy and advocacy consultant with over twenty years of experience in public policy development, civic engagement, legislative advocacy, voter…

Jon Platt, Nonesuch Books & Cards

The independent local bookstore is alive and well, and located in Southern Maine. After 13 years in business, Nonesuch Books is going strong thanks to its reputation of serving its communities with an excellent book selection and more. At both locations (Mill Creek Shopping Center and The Shops at Biddeford Crossing), you’ll find great books,…

Bill Creighton – Maine Initiatives

Honeck O’Toole client Bill Creighton was honored this year for his persistent advocacy for responsible wealth. But he makes it very clear: he’d prefer not to be singled out. That’s because Maine Initiatives — an organization that cultivates social, economic, and environmental justice through grants and other support for Maine grassroots organizations — is all…

Jim Brennan – PS It Matters

PS It Matters runs on the belief that we all have the power to do our part to change the world by the simple decisions we make.  With a social entrepreneurship philosophy as their business model, they extend these opportunities to make a difference in the communities we call home. PS It Matters offers top…

Clara Cohan, Artist

“I’m in love with our planet!” That’s the enthusiastic declaration of Clara Cohan, a lifelong artist whose mission is to interpret our place in the universe through art. Her philosophy is that our relationship to nature sustains us; the earth provides for us. “My mother was a very good painter – a realist. When I…

The Dental Office of Dr. Leslie Elston

What do you do when you’re happy with your business and everything’s working out well? You make a plan to keep the momentum going so you can enjoy a rosy future. That’s exactly what Dr. Leslie Elston is doing after owning the Mountain View Dentistry practice in Bridgton for 14 years. “I realized that this…

Stephen Jenks, PHD

Back in 1977, longtime friends and Organizational Development consultants Stephen Jenks and Fritz Steele published The Feel of the Workplace, a book about internal organizational climates. For years after that, the two wrote articles about arrogant leaders and the effect they have on people and institutions. “Then when Enron went down, we realized its leaders…

Kim Crichton, Transform. LLC

After earning her law degree and spending twelve years in lobbying, political campaign work, and designing, directing and managing Foundation grants and programs, Kimberly Crichton was ready for a personal transformation. Her vision was to not only to transform her work so that it integrated her interest in art…but to help many different foundations transform…

Colin Gulley, Toughcats Band

“Toughcats don’t come from a music scene. They are one.” This is how banjo player Colin Gulley starts out describing Toughcats, an Indie American Rock trio that’s becoming one of the most unique and talked about bands from the state of Maine. Proudly hailing from the Fox Islands, 12 miles off Maine’s coast, Toughcats has…