With deep practical and academic experience, Pracademic Coaching offers the perfect blend of skills to support peak performance. Kristen Connor has a multidecade career in technology design, from consulting to executive positions at multiple venture-funded startups and businesses. Lauren Rigney is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor who built a private practice blending psychology and sport science.

In 2021, this married couple’s relationship blossomed into a business partnership as a unique coaching practice.  They told us, “We enlist the power of thinking ahead, guiding clients to envision their desired future state and to act with conviction now.”

The firm attracts clients whose goals align with the duo’s specific areas of expertise. For instance, Lauren works with elite athletes, performing artists, and businesspeople. Kristen works with founders, executives, and design leaders, often at startups or businesses with investors. They also work with leadership teams.

They said, “Technology makes it possible to work with clients around the world! We support businesses in a wide range of industries such as healthcare, finance, and technology. We coach individuals who are elite runners, Broadway artists, and entrepreneurs.”

Kristen has been a Honeck O’Toole client since the early 2000s, with Peter and team supporting her through numerous locations, jobs, and businesses. It was a nobrainer for Lauren to work with Honeck O’Toole as well: “It’s been 20+ years, and we can’t imagine our journey without Peter!” To explore Kristen and Lauren’s coaching services, visit PracademicCoaching.com.