Dr. Chris Bartlett, a Board Certified Family Practitioner, has cared for people of all ages in Maine since 1993. But he’s not your typical doctor. He focuses on taking extraordinary care of just a small group of people.
It started when caring for his soldiers in Desert Storm and then continued during his early days in a small civilian practice. However, as the practice grew and became more “corporate,” he found himself delivering medical care that became “an exercise in damage control.” At that point he knew things had to change. He told us, “In 2008, I followed my dream and opened my ideal medical practice at True North, just like an old fashioned town doctor, now enhanced by cell phones and email.” Patients receive direct access and attentive care by email, phone, office visits and even home visits.
The cost is based on the length of the visit, and cash or credit card payments are due when services are rendered. This keeps costs as low as possible (no insurance paperwork and restraints). And while his care is reimbursed by many insurance plans (but not HMOs, Mainecare and Medicare), his lower fee structure is ideal for uninsured patients and those with high deductibles. Therefore, people of all incomes can receive care from Dr. Bartlett.
Learn more at www.DoctorBartlett.com.