E-filing Suspended Until January 2016

The IRS has temporarily suspended e-filing for individuals, businesses and fiduciaries. Therefore, we will be required to paper file any returns through January. If you receive your paper copy of a return and have any questions please do not hesitate to call the office for assistance. In an IRS Quick Alert notification, the Internal Revenue…


IRS Warns of Pervasive Telephone Scams

We thought we would repost this article from earlier this year as in the last couple weeks we have had numerous calls from clients who have received fraudulent IRS calls.  Just a reminder, the IRS will only contact you by mail. There has been an increased number of reported IRS scams recently.  We have heard…


Charitable Contributions – A Reminder

As the holiday season has kicked off and the end of the year fast approaching we thought it would be a great time to touch on charitable contributions. We have previously posted on this topic, see Financial Insights on Giving to Charities in the Money & Tax Articles section, but wanted to offer a quick…


2015 Tax Return Prepayments Have Been Sent

You will soon see our 2015 purple pre-bill in the mail.  This payment amount is an estimate of 75% of the anticipated cost for the 2015 tax return preparation. Payment of this amount (or any amount) received in our office by 12/31/15 may make that amount deductible on your 2015 tax return (if you qualify).…


Looking Forward! Part II: Maine Rate Changes

Looking Forward Part II: Maine tax rates changing in 2016 Not only have there been changes to the due dates for the 2016 returns, see “Looking Forward! Due Dates Changing in 2017!” but Maine has also changed the tax rates and tax brackets. Please find below tables for the current rates and the 2016 rates.…


Looking Forward! Due Dates Changing in 2017!

Looking Ahead:  2017 Change in Due Dates On July 31, 2015, President Obama signed into law P.L. 114-41, the “Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015.”  While this act may not sound like it has anything to do with taxes, there are a number of tax related provisions relating to changing…


Health Care Reform Upheld

Find out what it could mean to you in 2013 and beyond.   The Supreme Court’s June 2012 decision to uphold the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act may impact your individual and business taxes in the coming years.   We know there’s a chance the Republicans will repeal the Act…but since the Supreme…


Clients Making Maine’s Top 40 Under 40 List!

Three of our clients have made Maine’s prestigious Top Forty Under 40 list, and we are proud to present them here!

Dr. John Hatzenbeuhler
Associate Director of Sports Medicine
Maine Medical Center

Nat May
Executive Director
SPACE Gallery

Lee Smilowicz
Medical Director
HealthCalls, LLC

Keep up the good work!

We Have Moved to Congress Street!

In case you have missed any of our notices, we have moved to a brand new office space on Congress Street!  We are thrilled to have this new space and know you will all enjoy it too.  If you need to mail us any information you can now use the following address:   Honeck O’Toole…
