Take Control of Your Credit

A sound strategy can get you through today’s credit climate. With the recent credit crisis, it’s important to consider how a sound strategy can help you navigate through turbulent times. We’ve collected the following tips from the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), to help you assess your current financial condition and start rethinking…


Economic Rescue: How to Take Charge of Your Finances Now

Knowledge is power when it comes to taking take control of any situation. When you arm yourself with clear information, it’s much easier to map out a smart plan to deal with whatever is happening … including the ups and downs of today’s economy. That’s what this article is all about: giving you ideas to…


How We Keep Your Financial Information Safe

If you’re like most of us, your financial information is no longer just tucked away in a home desk drawer or in a small safe. You probably trust a wide variety of organizations and professionals with your financial information through activities such as online banking and bill-paying, making online purchases, storing data, communicating via email…


Financial Disaster Plan: Keeping Your Records Safe and Accessible

In 2010, we featured tips on keeping your financial information safe, and we provided tips to protect your passwords and records through backup and other measures. This information hit home with a wallop here at Honeck O’Toole, just days before we emailed that advice. On Thursday night, February 25, 2010, the roof blew off our…


2015 Year End Tax Planning

As the end of the year approaches, it is a good time to think of planning moves that will help lower your tax bill for this year and possibly the next. Factors that compound the challenge include turbulence in the stock market, overall economic uncertainty, and Congress’s failure to act on a number of important…


4 Reasons Why This Could Be Your Best Year Yet

You can reduce your taxes and make the most of your money with these free financial articles It’s all in how you look at the economy and tackle the things you CAN control If you’re like many people who have ridden the economic roller coaster with a white-knuckled grip, we imagine you’re probably glad to…
