Maine Summer Camps is a terrific nonprofit organization focused on strengthening and expanding the educational, environmental and recreational opportunities provided by all organized youth camps in Maine.

Their main goal is to make the public aware of Maine’s unique summer camp qualities and heritage so Maine camps can continue to thrive. How do they do this? We asked Garth Altenburg, President of the Foundation and Camp Chewonki Boy’s Camp Director. “Maine has an incredible legacy of being pioneers in camping. And individual camps are doing so many awesome things. When we work together, we can raise the profile, quality and practices of what we do throughout Maine.”

Maine Summer Camp’s program consultant, Mary Ellen Deschenes, was honored with a Community Services Award by the American Camp Association (ACA) New England chapter.

Garth mentioned that our camps and camper families are a huge part of Maine’s tourism revenue, and he invited us to support Maine camps. If you’re interested in funding a camper, they’d be excited to hear about it.

Visit to learn more about this foundation and its services.